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Golden Sipping Rum 250ml

Golden Sipping Rum 250ml


There are a lot of Cornish Rums these day, most of them imported via a company in Holland from South America at 80% ABV and they’re allowed to be called Cornish because they are diluted to 40% ABV with ’Cornish water’.


At Fowey Valley we are the awkward squad - we don’t do things the easy way. We get sugarcane molasses from the Caribbean, make a wash and then ferment it. Then we double distil and age in new European Oak barrels made especially for us in Bulgaria. Before they send the barrels to us they toast the insides, literally lighting small fire inside each barrel. You can have them light, medium or heavy toasting. We go for medium-plus toasting, which we think is just right for a Golden Sipping Rum. To us the wood is a very important part of the rum. Barrie likes his rum on its own with just one block of ice, but it makes great cocktails too!


Presented in a 250ml bottle with an ABV of 40%.


Expected Delivery: Delivered within 1-2 working days.

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